A is for Awesome
Inspiration Jul 27, 2013

As a child when the world got me down, which wasn’t often and rarely fully understood, I would lay down on the floor of my bedroom with my journal and my favorite pen and begin to list out all the things that make me happy. The big things and the little- my parents, spaghetti, a sky full of stars, my favorite fleetwood mac song- nothing was overlooked. This is a habit I have kept up to this day; Only now my lists are more mental than pen to paper and are much much longer and far less necessary. Sometime in 2009 while I was living in Singapore, I stumbled across Neil Pasricha’s website www.1000awesomethings.com and my world literally swirled as I realized that I was not the only one! I was not the only one to sit and think of things little and big that make me happy in every significant or seemingly insignificant way. Here on a humble blog I found a kindred spirit and in September 2010, he revealed the hows and whys behind his website. Watch, reflect, & tell me a few of your little bits & pieces of awesome.