The Last Bookstore
Adventures Jul 27, 2013

Located in Downtown Los Angeles in the corner of a typical downtown building is something not so typical at all- a bookstore. And i don’t mean a Barnes&Nobles or a Borders, i mean an honest to goodness BOOKSTORE- the Last Bookstore to be precise. This bookstore is so much more than just a store that sells books though. This bookstore hosts open mic nights, art exhibits, readings, & accepts book donations with the purpose of saving books from landfills so that they may be redistributed to schools, hospitals, & charities. No, this is not your average bookstore. The Last Bookstore is an experience.
Books flood shelves and floor corners, new & used, loved & forgotten; The entire second floor is home to thousands of used books for your buying pleasure for only $1. Once you see through the heavy cloud of old book smell you’ll find this little peephole made entirely of hardcover books… just past it you’ll find an entire archway tunnel made of books and lit with fairy lights. It’s a bibliophile’s wonderland. Needless to say, it took 2 extra trips to the parking meter before i could tear myself away.
Go on your own adventure & read more books.
The Last Bookstore
DOWNTOWN LA | 213.488.0599
FRI-SAT: 10A-11P
SUN: 10A-6P