old school lover
Style Aug 16, 2013

Alright, I admit it. When it comes to a few of the essentials in life i am a complete old school lover: vinyl, cameras, movies, music.
I don’t know if my love for old analog things comes from my parents or some slip in pop culture that sucked me into the past, but i know that after over a decade of old school love i won’t be giving up my vintage obsessions anytime soon.
I collect vintage cameras like they’re back in style (See what i did there?). And maybe they are because the prices are getting higher (the hipsters must have caught on). I’ve found a few of my favorites at the Pasadena Rose Bowl Flea Market, but some of the best treasures are found in your local or obscure thrift stores- plus you can get them for a steal! So, if you’re ever wondering what to buy me for my birthday/christmas/any old day, check the nearest goodwill, flea market,or the back of your grandma’s closet.
like a mini slice of old school paradise
how amazing is this antique camera?!