Truly Hemosa
Adventures Sep 4, 2013

If you haven’t already caught on, I’m a beach girl through and through. Sure I love big cities, bright lights, wide open spaces, the mountains, & the lakes, but no where feels quite like the beach. Recently I had the honor of being asked to be one of the faces for Hermosa Beach’s “Truly Hermosa” campaign. For those of you who haven’t been to Hermosa Beach, it’s a pretty little beach city in Southern California- technically a little slice of Los Angeles, but we prefer to just think of it as being part of the South Bay. It is home to many awesome things such as the Hermosa Beach plaza & pier
Hermosa Beach is home to the Comedy & Magic club featuring acts such as Jay Leno and Daniel Tosh, Punk rock bands Pennywise & Black Flag were both birthed in Hermosa Beach, AVP Hermosa Beach Open has been happening in the sand since the late 60’s, and on any given day of the year you’ll catch a beautiful sunset. I am very lucky to call Hermosa Beach home. I grew up spending my weekends on the beach with my parents where my mom would lay out a full picnic spread and my dad would build me amazing things in the sand- he once built me my very own Corvette convertible with a radio on the dash.
Guess where I went when I cut class in high school? Yup. Hermosa Beach. [editor’s note: i do not encourage you to cut class] Unfortunately I wasn’t the type to cut class and do anything outrageously cool. I cut class and studied in the sun and sand (11th grade trigonometry was not my friend) or tried to surf (emphasis on tried since my surfing skills didn’t really kick in til later).
Now that I’m older there’s so much more of Hermosa Beach to appreciate and explore- I’m really so thrilled to be able to share with you guys, all Hermosa Beach has to offer with the help of the “Truly Hermosa” campaign. So whether you’re a local or a visitor, you can find out more at or follow them on instagram & twitter (@trulyhermosa)