Naked. Butter.cup.Cakes.
Edibles Sep 10, 2013

That’s right, I said it.
NAKED. These aren’t your average cupcakes. First of all I call them naked because they aren’t frosted. Ever. Don’t do it. You don’t need it. Butter cake is so deliciously sweet and wickedly buttery that you don’t need frosting. This is a recipe I inherited from one of my Aunties and let me tell you, it’s the kind of recipe that would make Paula Deen proud. It’s honest to goodness Texan gold. In the cooking/baking world butter IS gold. Just don’t tell your cardiologist that.
Now here’s another little secret i’ll let you in on… When i first went to Momofuku Milk Bar in NYC after hearing all the raving reviews about it, i tried everything they had to offer. Being the FatGirlAtHeart that i am, I of course fell in love with their treats BUT something kept nagging me about their famous crack pie. Everyone had gone on and on about how much they loved it and it was so different than anything they’d ever had, but one bite in i immediately recognized it. It’s a gourmet version of exactly what i’m about to show you here. It is the fancy NYC version of a dessert you grow up eating in the South, a dessert my aunty made whenever i visited Texas- she called them Texas Gold Bars. Here I’ve adapted the recipe to make it my own and turned them into cupcakes.
[[ If you don’t want to go through the hassle of cupcakes you could just make a sheet cake in a regular 9×13 pan (don’t forget to grease it!), but unless everyone’s coming over to eat it fresh in my kitchen, cupcake form is the easier way to share and distribute.]]
Alright so this is what you’ll need to make 24 golden little naked nuggets of buttercake love:
- 12 tablespoons (1½ sticks) unsalted butter, softened
- 2 cups sugar
- 4 eggs, room temperature
- ⅔ cup sour cream, room temp
- 1 teaspoon vanilla {i like fancy vanillas like Madagascar or Mexican because they tend to have a stronger fuller flavor}
- 1 lemon, zested
- 2 cups all purpose flour
- ¼ cup cornstarch
- ¾ teaspoon salt
- ¾ teaspoon baking soda
- colorful jimmies (sprinkles) optional
* NOTE: Instead of making the bottom layer from scratch like I usually do, an easier option is to mix one box of yellow cake mix (or funfetti cake mix) with 2 eggs and one melted stick (½ cup) of unsalted butter. The pictures will be demonstrating this method since in this particular recipe the pictures are actually more useful in the easier method.
Top Layer:
- 1-8 oz package cream cheese, softened
- 2 eggs
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- ½ cup butter, melted
- 2 cups powdered sugar (some recipes call for more but i think so far this recipe is enough of a sugar high)
Preheat your oven to 350℉
To make the cake layer from scratch begin by creaming together the butter and sugar (preferably by electric mixer unless you’re working on toning your forearms) until fluffy. Add the eggs in one at a time then add the sour cream, vanilla, and lemon zest, scraping down the sides of the bowl as needed. Mix well.
In a separate bowl sift together all the dry ingredients: the flour, salt, baking soda, & corn starch. Then, and i recommend doing this part by hand, slooooowwwwlllllyyyyy add the dry mixture into the bowl with the wet mixture and mix until completely incorporated. Pour even amounts of the batter (probably about 2 tablespoons) into the lined cupcake pans.
* If you’re making the cake layer from the box mix simply combine all the ingredients in a bowl, mix well, then scoop even amounts (probably about 2 tablespoons) into the lined cupcake pans-the batter in this case will be more dough than batter so you’ll scoop it like you would cookie dough. Be sure to use a spoon to flatten the batter into the cupcake liners.
I like to use Asian soup spoons because of their angle- it just seems easier to flatten the dough in such a small working space but if you’re comfortable with a regular spoon (or you simply don’t have any Asian spoons in the kitchen) that will work too!
Next, beat the cream cheese, butter, and eggs together before adding the powered sugar. When it’s all nicely mixed and creamy, pour about 2 tablespoons of the mixture over your already existing base.
Finally, pop the cupcake pans into the oven and let them bake for 20-30 minutes. When they’re ready to come out they’ll be a nice golden brown and don’t be alarmed but the centers will remain a bit gooey (that’s just that yummy goodness letting you know it’s there).
Let them cool on a wire rack (or just the kitchen counter if you’re not on that level yet- don’t worry, we’ll get you there) til they’re room temperature. Lastly, if you’re still in the giving mood, share some with your family and friends. Or don’t. If you eat them all I’m totally not here to judge you. I always eat the first piece or slice of any dessert i make the first time i make it- purely for quality control. The second, third, and fourth pieces are just plain indulgence. Like i said, i’m not here to judge (;
Hope you guys enjoy these little naked nuggets of buttercake. I don’t make this often since it’s so uber rich in butter and sugar (as you can see by now they’re naked for a good reason), but when i do it doesn’t last long before they’re all devoured. If there are any other recipes you’d like that you’ve seen me post about or you’re simply curious about let me know and i’ll try to post them when i get the chance! (: