Sponsor a child with World Vision
Inspiration Sep 13, 2013

A few months ago while working in Thailand I was invited to attend a World Vision Thailand event to help raise awareness to their cause. For those of you unfamiliar with what World Vision does and how they operate, World Vision is an international organization is a “humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, families, and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice”. You can help their cause by doing one or all of a few options: sponsor a child, make a one time donation, fund a micro loan, help provide meals, build housing, or provide emergency relief aid. Their programs and needs differ from country to country so you can check their website to find out what’s needed closest to you. Here in Thailand several celebrities have pitched in to lend a voice to those who needed and we all got together to raise awareness about their different causes.
On top of a great turn out and the chance to meet some adorable sponsored children, I learned heaps about the organization and all the good they do locally. I walked away 2 children richer. That’s right, I’m proud to say I now sponsor two amazing children who both want to grow up to become doctors. It’s been months since the event now and I’ve received regular updates from both of them letting me know how school is going etc.,
To find out more about how you can help here in Thailand please visit World Vision Thailand.
Every little bit of help makes an impact so whether you’re buying a shirt, making a one time donation, sponsoring a child, volunteering time, or simply spreading the word about World Vision and what they’re doing, you are making a positive impact in the world (: