Style Jul 1, 2014

Well it’s finally out! I’ve been waiting months to see this spread because I felt like such a princess all day while shooting the Summer cover and spread for BRIDE Magazine. How stunning are these dresses from Amata Wedding studio and these jewels from Lee Seng Jewelry? Now, I’ve never been married but I’ve done a few bridal magazine shoots and I’ve played a bride more than once AND more importantly I’ve watched a few of my best friends marry the loves of their lives and oh my heck being a bride is no joke. So much work goes into just the bridal side of a wedding and as an experienced wedding dress wearer (yes i’m making that a legit position), wedding dresses are a lot of work! There are so many intricate details to them, they’re heavy, usually the train is everywhere but where you want it, and they take like 3 people to help you get into. I have all kinds of respect for brides who pull off their wedding without sweating. Until it’s my turn I’m more than happy to get to first hand explore what i like by playing dress up (;
I mean THAT VEIL!!! I was swooning…
Incidentally this picture above is my least favorite in the spread- i swear i have good posture, why oh why did they include a picture of me hunched over? I’m pretty sure this picture itself was an outtake… on the other hand, the dress is stunning and one of my favorites in the collection.