Manage Your Day-To-Day
Inspiration Aug 25, 2014
I’m usually reading two (sometimes three, yikes!) books simultaneously- typically one fiction, one non-fiction. While reading “The Fault In Our Stars” recently I also read “Manage Your Day-to-Day: Build Your Routine, Find Your Focus, & Sharpen Your Creative Mind.” The book is a collection of essays put together by 99U (99U is part of Behance, a team devoted to empowering and connecting the creative world.) featuring writing by 20 creative, influential industry types & highly successful individuals in fields varying from authors to entrepreneurs to designers. The unique approach each essay takes on the day to day issues we all face as we pursue our dreams, and even more so, the underlying commonality of what they’ve discovered when looking for solutions, is beyond enlightening. No matter the work you do, if you’re pursuing your dreams, building your empire, attempting the “impossible” I highly suggest you pick up a copy from your local bookstore and be prepared to be inspired.