Inspiration, Style May 18, 2015

Has it been a week already?! Where is the time going in such a hurry? It’s been another busy week here in Starlingville…. Bangkok has been beyond amazing and after a few days of play and a few days of work, i bucked into a full week of work and a weekend of play- see how the scales tip? It’s all about the “Work Hard, Play Hard” life over here.
Anyway so between all the work this past week I managed to sneak in a quick shoot with Thai Superstar Photographer K. Yai Amat (@Amatyai on Instagram) for his upcoming exhibit at ZEN, Central World, Bangkok, Thailand featuring 100 Thai celebrities in more baby oil than clothing guaranteeing a sexier collective shoot than you’ve ever seen. If you find yourself in Bangkok this summer be sure to check out the exhibit June 25- August 31!
Keeping up with my 2015 Reading Challenge I’ve read Perfume: Story of a Murderer and started reading The Opposite of Loneliness, Essays & Stories by Marina Keegan. Huge thank you for the suggestions HomieLoverFriends! Keep them coming, i’ve got over 30 more books to go for the year!
I also took a little break and caught the new Mad Max flick in the beautiful new theatres here at the brand spanking new Emquartier mall. Have you caught Mad Max yet? Tom Hardy is beyond awesome & Charlize Theron is a freakin GODDESS. The movie was two solid hours of edge of your seat entertainment.
In other remake news, the X Files are making a comeback with the original Mulder & Scully, David Duchovny & Gillian Anderson, shooting 6 new episodes to air next season. In the meantime David Duchovny is apparently making music, touring, and bringing Gillian Anderson up on stage with him to perform…. ending it all with a little kiss. Is this foreshadowing for what’s to come? To be honest i’m more interested in the Alien encounters.
Another big change coming to TV is “the Late Show”. Stephen Colbert will be taking over David Letterman’s spot as host of “The Late Show” soon and some people are somehow still wondering who Stephen Colbert is?! After that’s all cleared up thanks to the LA Times, check out some highlights of David Letterman’s last few episodes as host of “The Late Show”.
And while we’re making room for new things in Hollywood and on TV, clear the way for female superheros finally getting a little spot light of their own after watching superhero after superhero movie hit the screens in the past few years. From Batman to Superman to the Avengers, the number of super heroines have been super lacking. Can the upcoming Supergirl show pave the way for a change? What super girls would you want to see onscreen?
Meanwhile in the real world, superheros are entering the workforce every day with graduation season upon us again. Time to find a place to live, convince someone to hire you, and really make something of your life. Isn’t there an app for that? No, no there isn’t. But there are a few apps that can make the process a little easier. Congrats new grads! Hope this helps!
The Billboard Awards just happened and Taylor Swift swept up all the competition, once again. She walks away with 8 new awards- and here’s the real kicker, Kanye West got booed. No boos for John Legend & Meghan Trainor though, they killed it performing “Like I Might Lose You”. Here’s a full list of winners. I can’t believe Iggy Azalea won best RAP SONG.
In the movie world, celebrities have flocked to Cannes for the exclusively stunning film festival (can’t wait til I get to go someday) and of course we’re as interested in the movies as we are the gorgeous outfits on the people there to watch them. Vogue’s rounded up some best dressed celebrities here.
As for the movies, I’m most excited to see….
From Thailand (Woopwoop!) Cemetery of Splendor:
From the US & UK, Carol with Rooney Mara and Cate Blanchet
From the UK, Macbeth with Marion Cotillard & Michael Fassbender
From the UK, AMY, about the life of Amy Winehouse
From Isreal, A Tale of Love & Darkness directed and starring Natalie Portman
For a full list of films at Cannes this year, check out their website.
And last but not least for this week, if you’re interested in making rad movies of your own, check out the new Lily drone which currently made its way to the top of my LUST LIST.