PineappleCoconut Paleo Bars
Edibles Jan 22, 2016

It’s January 2016 & resolutions are flying around left & right. Some of you are trying new workouts or hobbies or trying to quit a bad habit & pick up a new better habit. A bunch of my girlfriends are resetting their diets with a month long challenge of the Whole30 diet. They’re doing so amazing sticking to it (especially when we eat out or go to the movies!) so to show some support I decided to whip up a batch of Whole30/Paleo pineapple coconut bars.
The recipe is super simple, comes together in minutes, & is so delicious they actually questioned whether it was really Whole30! Which it is so when you finally taste them, just tweet me & I’ll reassure you too.
Okay so here’s what you’ll need:
- 1 & 1/2 cups raw cashews
- 1 cup of unsweetened flaked coconut
- 1/2 cup dried pineapple
- 8 dates (without the seeds)
- Juice from 1 lime or small lemon
- 2 tablespoons coconut oil
Now whip out your food processor & throw the raw cashews in. Process the crap out of them for a bit then add in the rest of the ingredients & mix until a sticky dough forms.
Grab an 8×8 pan and line it with wax paper. Using a spatula, scrape the sticky mixture into the pan and pat it all down. If you prefer, you can also roll them into bite size balls. Since the mixture is pretty sticky you can lightly coat the spatula (or your fingers!) with water so it’s easier to work with.
Put your pan (or tray of pineapple coconut balls) in the fridge til it all sets & firms up- I left mine for a few hours while I did laundry, but they should set in an hour or so. If you made them in a pan, use a knife or pizza cutter to cut them into whatever size you prefer. If you made them into bite size balls then heck why are you still reading this. Why aren’t you taking bites already??
Yes. I know. They’re delicious. And whether you’re on the Whole30 challenge or not, they’re a wonderful & healthy treat. Enjoy enjoy enjoy xo