Nutella Mug Cake
Edibles Feb 6, 2016

Guys. I’m slipping. Seriously. I lived my life all day today like it was any other ordinary day. Nothing special, just lived my life when all the while it’s been World Nutella Day all day! WHAT THE HECK?! I apologize for letting you all down. To make up for it, I immediately came home and made a Nutella mug cake. Partly because it was the easiest thing to make in a pinch (because let’s face it, who doesn’t keep Nutella in the house- if you know anyone like that UNFRIEND them immediately.); also I really needed something delicious to enjoy because it’s Friday night & that’s always worth celebrating
So here are the few simple ingredients you need. Brace yourself, you need all of THREE things.
- 1/4 cup of Nutella
- 1/2 tablespoon of cocoa powder
- 1 egg
Now. The only difficult part….
Grab a tall mug, like a standard 6 or 8 oz mug, the taller the better cuz this baby will rise rise rise! Mix the ingredients together in the mug until they are well blended and the egg is fully incorporated.
Stick the mug in your microwave and let the magic happen for about 1 minute and 10 seconds. My mug cake looked like it was just about to completely escape the mug but then the microwaved dinged & as I opened the door the cake slowly sunk back down into the mug. It may look a little wet but have no fear, now you have to sit like the disciplined adult you are and wait about 10-15 minutes for the cake to cool and come together into its rich Nutella chocolately goodness. It’s okay. 15 minutes is only 5 of your favorite songs/ one face mask/ half an episode of FRIENDS/ long enough to catch up on all your snapchats & make sure you’re following yours truly (me, duh! – TayaStarling).
After 12.5 mins (I compromised) I used a big spoon and scooped the mug cake out of its tall mug and plated it into a smaller ramekin (cuz it’s cuter), and then sprinkled just a little powered sugar over it just for the prettiness. I took all of 3 photos for all of you before digging in. I hope you enjoy your Nutella Day as much as I just did Or you know, whatever random day of the week you happened to be craving Nutella…. Happy eating!