Valentine’s Day Love You Long Time Bars
Uncategorized Feb 14, 2018

One of my favorite things about Valentine’s Day is the chocolate. Because let’s be honest, chocolate has been there for me through it all- the break ups, the make ups, the good times (when i was given chocolate), the bad times (when i bought chocolate for myself)… so this post is breaking my heart a bit because this year for Valentine’s Day I’ve decided to go the “healthy” route. This decision is based solely on the fact that football (soccer) season has just started and THE BOY is eating super healthy plus last year I baked him an AMAZING triple chocolate cake and he only ate one slice (which he swears he loved) before declaring that he needs to eat healthy for upcoming games.
SO here we are, Valentine’s day and I’m committing blasphemy by avoiding my favorite chocolate recipes. Oh the things we do for love… ok so trying to at least keep a little in theme with the color scheme I’ve concocted a strawberry energy bar that’s gluten free, sugar free, dairy free, vegan, and basically guilt free all around; Which is why I’ve named these “Valentine’s Day Love You Long Time Bars” because they’re super healthy & will hopefully help keep your loved ones around longer, get it? ANYWAY….
It’s super simple to make with only 5 ingredients and you never even have to switch on your oven.
Here’s what’s up:
You’ll need:
1 cup dried strawberries
1 cup dried dates (without pits!)
1/2 cup raw almonds
1/2 cup raw cashews (or walnuts)
1 tablespoon of coconut oil give or take
2 tablespoons of chia seeds
2 tablespoons of flax seeds
Throw all the dry ingredients in your food processor and blend on high until well ground and mixed.
Add coconut oil a little at a time until the mixture resembles wet sand.
Line a small pan with baking paper/ wax paper.
Scrape the mixture into the pan and press down until super compact and firm.
Cover and chill in the refrigerator for at least an hour or over night.
Remove and cut into bars or whatever shape you want. Eat and enjoy!
Keep them wrapped in the fridge or a cool dry place.