Stay Home, Stay Busy, Stay Sane
Inspiration Mar 30, 2020

How’s everyone doing? I hope you’re all staying home, safe & healthy. I’m sure a few of you are probably going through all kinds of emotions right now- the ups and downs of frustrations and boredom and fear about the current state of the world. I’m right there with you.
In times like these it’s important to raise your vibe above the panic and fear. These may not be the brightest days but they’re not all bad and I know we can find some good in them. Try to cherish this time of self isolation and keep busy- whether you’re alone or home with loved ones. I’d also like to take this moment to remind you that there’s no right or wrong way to be doing this whole staying home thing. Meaning, some of us will be super productive and get things done for work, around the home, for others, etc., and some of us will be doing very little beyond netflix and wearing pjs and taking it easy. We are not all the same, we need different things at different times. And that’s okay. You don’t need to be doing what everyone else is doing. Take this time to listen to your mind and body and do what’s best FOR YOU. And if you need some ideas, here are 45 things you can do while you’re home to stay busy and/ or sane. And if you need a survival kit, I’ve put one together for you in my Amazon Shop! But first, the list:
- Practice self-love. That’s right. Guilt free too cuz you’ve got nowhere else to be. Put on that face mask and chill.
- Try some new recipes in the kitchen- i’ve got loads here if you need inspiration.
- Workout- whether it’s yoga, a circuit, or just dancing around like crazy, make sure you’re getting some movement into your days.
- Read more. You know all those books you piled up waiting to be read? No time like the present. If you’re looking for some recommendations, you can check out my list here.
- Create a “Quarantine Playlist” full of your favorite songs that will put you in a good mood, no matter how stir crazy you’re going.
- Write letters. Remember those? If you’re looking for a new pen pal, check out Love for the Elderly or Interpals or PenPal World or Eskaton Seniors
- Ok fine, not into the pen and paper thing? Catch up on your corespondents and email your family and friends to check in and see how everyone is doing.
- Facetime/ Google Hangout/ Zoom- they’re not just for work calls! My girls and I coordinate a time to all catch up on Zoom at least once a week with some of us in the UK and some in Bangkok.
- Binge watch all those shows you’ve added to your list on Netflix. Yes, you can.
- Do your taxes. Yeah, they’re not due immediately anymore but hey, you’ve got the time so why wait?
- Finally organize and strategize your finances for the future.
- Start a gratitude exercise. I do mine before bed each night. I’ve got a little notebook I keep on my bedside table and every night before bed I list as many things as I can that I am thankful for.
- Sign up for an online course. I found so many amazing courses on CourseRa and I’m currently signed up to THREE and earning certificates in all of them. You can also check out OPEN
- Clean out your closet. Put things aside that can be donated!
- Clean out your pantry while you’re trying all those new recipes- toss the expired things and move soon to expire things to the front so they get used first.
- Create a vision board of what you want the rest of 2020 to look like.
- Start journaling.
- Pay more attention to your house plants/ garden.
- Learn a new language (I’m working on Italian)
- Catch up on TED talks. Here is one of my favorites
- Get into a new PODcast. Here is one of my favorites.
- Redecorate or rearrange your house/ bedroom.
- Dry brush your skin- or add a new step to your beauty ritual. To see some of my favorite products you can check out my amazon shop HERE
- Cuddle with your loved ones or your pets.
- Learn a new instrument.
- Start a blog. Or a tiktok account or a new Instagram or a heck a new business!
- Start a new challenge- there are so many floating around! No coffee for a week or mediate every day for 10 days or eat plant based for 2 weeks, etc.,
- Order in from your favorite local businesses to help them stay afloat.
- Send flowers or gifts from your favorite local businesses to your family and friends- you’re brightening their day while also helping your local businesses, it’s a win win!
- Work on your flexibility- literally and metaphorically!
- Go over your social media accounts and unfollow accounts you no longer like/ relate to.
- Try doing a 3 day social media detox and check in to see how you feel.
- Draft up some new life goals- where do you want to be by the end of 2020? 2025? 2030?
- Start writing a book- why not?
- Create a life bucket list. I wrote my first one when I was 15. It’s been edited over the years but it’s been incredibly helpful in keeping me on track.
- Make a list of all the places in the world you’d like to visit.
- Look up local charities and see what you can do to help.
- Sew masks if you can and donate them- here’s where: MASK MATCH or MASKSFORDOCS
- Foster a pet.
- Clean all your make up brushes.
- Clear out your make up/ skin care drawers and get rid of anything old.
- Teach your pet a new trick.
- Clear out your inbox!
- Clear out the camera roll on your phone.
- Clean your space. I prefer palo santo to sage but either will do, as long as you’re clearing our the energy and making room for serenity.