Spread Kindness, Not Germs
Inspiration Apr 9, 2020

I’ve been home for over 3 weeks now. We walk the dogs twice a day, go to the supermarket every week and a half, and order in almost everything you can think of.
I’ve been baking and cooking A LOT. I’ve signed up for 4 courses online and spend at least an hour a day on each of them. I’ve been reading more books, watching movies and shows I’ve had bookmarked. I’ve had zoom meetings, zoom catch ups with my groups of friends abroad, facetimed a bunch of people, emailed all my relatives, and sent care packages. I cleaned out our pantry and organized my finances. I did my taxes. I did my Grandmother’s taxes. I workout every day now, because I need some way to use all this energy I have from staying in. I meditate. I play with the pups. I cook some more. I get frustrated and sad and work on my gratitude exercises to try to stay positive. I spend moments throughout the day thinking hard about all the things I’m grateful for. I’m keeping so much space in my heart for hope these days.
And I spend a lot of time each day trying to think of what more I can do to help- help the medical professionals, help our local businesses, help the essential workers, help our family, help our friends, help our neighbors, and help you all, my community.
It’s a difficult time to help. Volunteering isn’t an option for most people. Times are hard and not everyone has money to spare- so many people I know have lost their jobs. I know people struggling to keep their businesses afloat. We are all trying to navigate our way through this strange new world where we’re apart but please remember, we are all in this together.
Last week I couldn’t stop thinking about the garbage collectors worldwide who can’t stay home and quarantine with their families because they’re considered essential workers and need to continue working in order to keep our societies functioning. But while working they are just as at risk of contracting COVID19 as are the cleaning staff and medical workers at hospitals. That puts their families at risk too. But I hadn’t heard anyone talking about them. Don’t get me wrong, the medical professionals are definitely front and center in our current battle and deserve all the thanks and appreciation possible, but that doesn’t mean we should forget about everyone else on the front lines- the cleaning staff, the postal workers, the garbage collectors.
I wanted to thank my garbage collectors somehow, but I couldn’t really think of what to do. Then I remembered something my mom said to me once, “You give what you can and know that every little kindness from you can be something big to someone else. Even a smile can change a life.” I know they don’t need me standing around smiling at them at 2am when they come by to collect the trash, but I know I can write them a note and give them care packages for their families and friends. So that’s what I did. On my last grocery run I bought bags of rice, canned goods, soy milk, and treats to put together in a care package. Then I had Mama Starling help me write a note (my Thai handwriting is horrific) that said, “Thank you for all that you do for us. Please know that we are appreciative and our thoughts are with you and your families always. Stay safe and healthy.”
We live on a gated street with a guard post at the front so I left the care packages and note with the night guard to pass on to them. I assume they got it. I didn’t ask. I don’t know if they were happy or thankful or had anything to say in return. And it doesn’t even matter. I’m glad I could at least do something.
And I can’t shake the feeling of wanting to do more.
In case any of you are also looking to help (or looking for help!), I’ve compiled a list of ways to help in the USA, Thailand, and the UK. If you know of any more please share in the comments below and please share this list with others who may want to help as well. And if you NEED help, I’m sure one of these places can be of help to you. We are all in this together and a little bit goes a long way.
American Red Cross: Due to the cancellation of blood drives, the American Red Cross faces a severe blood shortage. Healthy individuals are needed to donate now to maintain a sufficient supply. Make an appointment here or call 1-800-RED-CROSS to find a local donation site.
Boys & Girls Clubs of America: Raises funds to provide groceries to kids participating in its more than 2,500 clubs, plus virtual academic support such as digital activities and learning opportunities. You can donate here.
There are many food banks all over the US and for those of you in LA, you can find ways to donate, volunteer, or fundraise at www.lafoodbank.org
Another great organization in LA is Every Table, they’re currently doing everything they can to help out during this time. You can find out more info HERE.
Working to feed all of America with over 200 foodbanks and 60,000 food pantries across the country, check out Feeding America
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention is raising emergency response funds to enable the CDC to respond to covid-19. For more info visit: http://www.cdcfoundation.org
No Kid Hungry is another great organization helping children across America who are missing out on healthy meals with schools being closed. You can find out more HERE
To help on a similar note, but for the elderly population in America, Meals on Wheels is still providing healthy meals for the high risk elders who are homebound. You can find more info at MEALS ON WHEELS
Direct Relief is delivering protective masks, exam gloves and isolation gowns to health-care organizations in areas with confirmed covid-19 case
First Book Donations will help deliver 7 million books to children in need who don’t have Internet access or home libraries to keep learning. You can donate here.
United Way Supports communities struggling in the wake of the virus by supporting local United Ways and the 211 network, a free emergency support service helping people in crisis. Funds distributed to local United Ways help with everything from connecting families to food pantries to aiding those experiencing financial hardships due to lost wages. For more info check out UNITED WAY
Lawyers for Good Government Foundation: Helps thousands of asylum seekers being held in refugee camps at the border and in U.S. detention centers. Donations help volunteer lawyers with travel to provide pro bono services to asylum seekers and families unable to practice social distancing or obtain access to proper sanitation. You can donate here
Restaurant Worker’s Community Fund directs money to organizations leading on-the-ground efforts in the restaurant community and provides zero-interest loans to businesses to maintain payroll during closure or reopen once the crisis has passed. It will establish a relief fund for individual restaurant workers facing economic hardships or health crises as a direct result of covid-19.
For more info visit: Restaurant Workers Community Fund
National Association for the Exchange of Industrial Resources collects excess inventory from businesses and redistributes those goods to schools, churches and nonprofit organizations across the country. Businesses can cull inventory, clean out a warehouse and donate unwanted goods, overstocks, obsolete items, factory seconds and more. Go here for a donation form or call 1-800-562-0955.
In Los Angeles, the LA Mission provides help and hope for those in need. Check out www.losangelesmission.org
Team Rubicon: Mobilizes military veterans to help people respond to and recover from disasters. During the covid-19 crisis, the organization is helping local, state and federal partners deliver food, water and shelter; run testing sites; staff call centers; and transport cruise ship passengers who have completed their mandatory quarantine at home. You can donate here.
There’s an initiative that lets you show your support for your local businesses during this challenging time. Here’s how you can help. Visit the website below and search for a local business, If your favorite business isn’t on the list, add it. Then purchase a gift card now so that you can enjoy it later. https://supportlocal.usatoday.com/
Salvation Army: Ensures people have access to food, shelter and child care through its nationwide network. Outreach includes drive-through food pickups, community-based food delivery through canteens and meals at Salvation Army facilities. It also provides snacks and hydration to first responders. You can donate here.
Now is a great time to foster a pet! The Best Friends Animal Society has a site where you can search for partner organizations near you. Some shelters also offer pet support services for low-wage families who may not be able to afford caring for their pet. Check with your local shelter to see if there are ways you can donate or help.
Nothing has proven that a little bit goes a long way more than the #GoWith20Challenge here in Thailand where people are encouraged to donate 20baht (less than USD$1) and then ask 20 other people to do the same. Of course you can donate more than 20 and donate as often as you’d like but to date they’ve raised over 39million baht. You can follow them and find more info HERE
Another place to donate to help the medical professionals in Thailand is the Siriraj Foundation. More info can be found HERE.
COVID Thailand Aid is a group of 300+ volunteers that helps the elderly, disabled, homeless, front-liners & anyone in need. They distribute free care packages, provide food for the homeless, sponsor medical supplies to front-liners, and provide errand running services for home bound senior citizens. You can find ways to donate or volunteer HERE.
Many restaurants in Thailand are offering free meals to those in need during these tough times. Haoma is one of them. You can find more info and donate by checking HERE.
UNICEF in Thailand is providing soap to the less fortunate, you can donate towards that cause HERE
Or, UNICEF is also looking for volunteers, you can find more info HERE
Most of us in Bangkok are using delivery services daily now to order food, coffee, groceries etc., to our homes- when doing so you rack up points in the GRAB application and I just recently discovered that you can trade those points in as a donation to various organizations such as the Rama hospital, UNICEF, and more. It’s a great way to give back that costs you nothing.
A few friends from school who own local restaurants are helping deliver free meals to the less fortunate here in Bangkok and you can find more info on their instagram, HERE
To find local groups offering aid near you:
Cover Mutual Aid
To find local ways to volunteer in the UK you can visit this site: Volunteer Locally
To donate to your local food bank:
Trussell Trust
There are lots of local groups started by neighbors and friends. To help out or connect with them check out NextDoor
You can always volunteer for the NHS
The Red Cross is also looking for donations and volunteers- you can find more info HERE