Best Week Ever
Adventures, Inspiration, Wanderlust Jul 27, 2015
Is anyone else wondering where half the year has gone? I swear we were just celebrating Easter and Valentine’s day and now we’re pratically to Halloween. I don’t know about all of you but this year has been a crazy ride… I’ve been keeping beautifully busy with travel and work and friends and life, beautiful […]
Adventures, Inspiration, Wanderlust Jul 16, 2015
HOMIELOVERFRIENDS. I wouldn’t be lying if I called this post the BEST MONTH EVER. Seriously. From Bali to the premier of my latest movie, “LOVE SUCKS“, to going to Kenya on safari to a quick trip to Singapore… life has been exciting & exhilarating & revealing & just… magical lately. I feel like I’ve been […]

Adventures, Edibles, Inspiration, Style, Wanderlust Apr 6, 2015
Here we are again at the end of a busy but beautiful week & here’s a quick round up of things in my Universe this BEST WEEK EVER I just finished reading ESSENTIALISM by Greg McKeown & i promise you, no matter where you are in life or what you do, you need to read […]

Island View Hawai’i
Adventures, Wanderlust Jun 20, 2014
Hawai’i is home away from home for me. Always has been. We’ve been spending summers there since I was a little girl, endless tan lines, bare feet, sand everywhere. And loving it. To say I’m a beach girl is putting it lightly. To say I love a good adventure is the greatest understatement of the […]

California Dreaming
Adventures, Wanderlust Mar 18, 2014
I may have traveled the world, been to over 20 countries, and lived in a handful more than my peers, but no matter what, I know I am a California Girl at heart. I am so fortunate to call so many places home and consequentially I get homesick for so many different places… as I […]