California Dreaming
Adventures, Wanderlust Mar 18, 2014
I may have traveled the world, been to over 20 countries, and lived in a handful more than my peers, but no matter what, I know I am a California Girl at heart. I am so fortunate to call so many places home and consequentially I get homesick for so many different places… as I […]

Never Go To Thailand
Wanderlust Dec 2, 2013
So. I got your attention huh? Well I can’t take the credit. The Never Go To campaign is actually by MEDIAGORA, a global communication company with some amazingly talented people behind it including Brian Camusat who made this AWESOME video from his trip to Thailand in March 2013. As if I haven’t been giving you […]

Inspiration Nov 27, 2013
This is the kind of video you should watch every morning when you wake up no matter what you do for a living. The kind of video that leaves you screaming F*$K YEAH! I GOT THIS! in the mirror when you’re getting ready to start your day. On that note, you may want to warn […]

Ja Tecson
Inspiration Oct 17, 2013
I have worked with more photographers in the past 16 years than I can even count; Some are friendly, some cold, some amazing, some lacking, but one of the most important qualities I count in a photographer, besides his skill, is his humility. Just a few months ago I had the great fortune of being […]

A is for Awesome
Inspiration Jul 27, 2013
As a child when the world got me down, which wasn’t often and rarely fully understood, I would lay down on the floor of my bedroom with my journal and my favorite pen and begin to list out all the things that make me happy. The big things and the little- my parents, spaghetti, a […]