A Busy Day Out (remember those?)
Adventures, Style Jun 30, 2021
With Covid pushing Bangkok back towards another lockdown, it’s not often I get a busy day out and about but this past week I had one of those perfectly balanced days of work and play. We started the morning off with a cozy snuggle with Mila and one of her (& mine!) favorite books- “The […]
Raw Bar
Edibles Dec 11, 2015
Growing up by the beach meant endless summers, forever tan lines, & lots of seafood for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. As a rule I tend to avoid eating seafood when I’m far from the sea but when quality places open up in the neighborhood, who can say no to a night of oysters, lobster, & […]

Dim Sum Dreams
Edibles Sep 30, 2014
I have a dream. A dream very much unlike Martin Luther King Jr’s dream. A dream much more along the lines of Jiro’s dreams. I dream of food. All the damn time. Seriously, when I’m stuck in traffic, when I’m in between scenes at work, when I’m looking at a menu, when I’m at the […]

Edibles Sep 10, 2014
Japanese food is one of my favorites- I’m pretty sure I eat Japanese food at least once a week if not 3. And I am always down to try a new Jap spot so when 8 Owls popped up on my radar, I jumped at the chance to meet up with the girls for a […]

Le Beaulieu
Edibles Aug 20, 2014
I had heard so many amazing things about Le Beaulieu from my co-star Charina that I just had to find an excuse to try it as soon as possible. An overdue girls night was the perfect reason- although I would highly recommend this cozy restaurant for a romantic date night as well. I’ve also heard […]