Never Go To Thailand
Wanderlust Dec 2, 2013
So. I got your attention huh? Well I can’t take the credit. The Never Go To campaign is actually by MEDIAGORA, a global communication company with some amazingly talented people behind it including Brian Camusat who made this AWESOME video from his trip to Thailand in March 2013. As if I haven’t been giving you […]

Edibles Oct 31, 2013
With a name like BAD MOTEL you’d expect either something really awful or something really amazing. Luckily, this BAD MOTEL is the latter. After hearing so much about it for the past few months I made the quick decision to host my birthday dinner there. Risky since I had never been before- never eaten there […]

Gastro 1/6
Edibles Oct 21, 2013
Brunch spots used to be impossible to find in Bangkok but now I’ve found them popping up all over the place, not just in fancy hotels, but in little pockets and corners of Bangkok’s busy streets. One of my favorite nestled away spots, and I mean nestled away, is Gastro 1/6. Located at the […]

Amazing Siam
Wanderlust Oct 8, 2013
A few years ago the Tourism Board of Thailand adopted the catchphrase, “Amazing Thailand.” Quite appropriately so. I’ve lived in Thailand for over 12 years on and off my whole life and I still haven’t explore all of what “Amazing Thailand” has to offer. From the mountains to the cities to the beaches and everything […]

10,000 Monks
Adventures Sep 29, 2013
With the surprise arrival of the SkinnyFatKid in Thailand and his lack of experience here in my other Motherland, you know I couldn’t resist the opportunity to play tourist and take him to some of my favorite spots in the city. His arrival lined up perfectly with the 3rd annual 10,000 monk procession in the […]