Salted Caramel Fudge Cups
Edibles Feb 14, 2020
It’s that day again where everything is pink and red and chocolates and roses. A lot of people complain about Valentine’s Day. Personally I don’t mind any reason to eat chocolate and have a vase full of flowers (whether from myself or someone I love). In the past I’ve made a super healthy chocolate raspberry […]

Chocolate PeanutButter No Bake Bars
Edibles Apr 21, 2018
It has been so damn hot in Bangkok. Like “I don’t wanna put clothes on or go anywhere” hot. But I’ve also really been craving peanut butter chocolate dessert… and I’ve maxed out ordering my favorite peanut butter ice cream through my local food delivery service so I decided to do something about this craving […]
Chocolate Raspberry Truffle Tart
Edibles Feb 13, 2016
Valentine’s Day. The day to celebrate chocolate love. Let’s face it, Valentine’s Day is pretty overrated. It’s basically a Hallmark holiday at this point but with that being said (& because I’m a hopeless romantic), I will never knock a day dedicated to love. Of course I’d prefer it if people were conscious enough to […]