Salted Caramel Fudge Cups
Edibles Feb 14, 2020
It’s that day again where everything is pink and red and chocolates and roses. A lot of people complain about Valentine’s Day. Personally I don’t mind any reason to eat chocolate and have a vase full of flowers (whether from myself or someone I love). In the past I’ve made a super healthy chocolate raspberry […]

Breakfast Ice Cream
Edibles Feb 1, 2020
Wanna know a dirty little secret? Sometimes I eat ice cream for breakfast. Yup. That’s right. Ice cream. Creamy, sweet, beautiful ice cream. It started in high school when my parents were traveling a lot and I was left unattended. It was innocent enough at first. Like a small act of rebellion. A dirty sticky […]

Irish potatoes
Edibles Mar 18, 2016
Did you know I’m part Irish? Yup. I know totally obvious right? Right. Needless to say, St. Patty’s day is a pretty big deal for my family (the non Asian side obvi) and we’ve been going all out since I was little- not to brag, but I’ve been in my fair share of St. Patrick’s […]

Chocolate Raspberry Truffle Tart
Edibles Feb 13, 2016
Valentine’s Day. The day to celebrate chocolate love. Let’s face it, Valentine’s Day is pretty overrated. It’s basically a Hallmark holiday at this point but with that being said (& because I’m a hopeless romantic), I will never knock a day dedicated to love. Of course I’d prefer it if people were conscious enough to […]

Nutella Mug Cake
Edibles Feb 6, 2016
Guys. I’m slipping. Seriously. I lived my life all day today like it was any other ordinary day. Nothing special, just lived my life when all the while it’s been World Nutella Day all day! WHAT THE HECK?! I apologize for letting you all down. To make up for it, I immediately came home and […]