PineappleCoconut Paleo Bars
Edibles Jan 22, 2016
It’s January 2016 & resolutions are flying around left & right. Some of you are trying new workouts or hobbies or trying to quit a bad habit & pick up a new better habit. A bunch of my girlfriends are resetting their diets with a month long challenge of the Whole30 diet. They’re doing so […]

Cork & Craft
Edibles Feb 25, 2015
I can’t say that prior to this week I’ve ever eaten in Rancho Bernardo before but I know exactly where I’m going to eat the next time I’m there. On a chilly Thursday night we booked the chef’s table at the Cork & Craft – I always try to book the Chef’s table when there’s […]

Mango Coconut Creme Tart
Edibles Jul 17, 2014
So I decided to make a summer mango pie and then I sat around one afternoon thinking about how to make this summer mango pie and then realized…I’ve never made a mango pie before, in fact I’ve never even seen nor heard of mango pie before which is pretty absurd now that I think about […]

Scalini is for lovers.
Edibles Mar 14, 2014
I’m lucky enough to have four amazing groups of girlfriends in different corners of the world. Every chance I get I like to celebrate them and how lucky we are to have each other. Here in Bangkok, Scalini is the perfect place to host a nice intimate girls night. I got there early and set […]