Chocolate Raspberry Truffle Tart
Edibles Feb 13, 2016
Valentine’s Day. The day to celebrate chocolate love. Let’s face it, Valentine’s Day is pretty overrated. It’s basically a Hallmark holiday at this point but with that being said (& because I’m a hopeless romantic), I will never knock a day dedicated to love. Of course I’d prefer it if people were conscious enough to […]

Vanilla Jasmine Shortbread Cookies
Edibles Jan 31, 2016
HomieLoverFriends. I know butter is suppose to be bad for you. I know. I get it. But I’m not going to lie to you. I love it. I love it on bread, in my pasta, on my potatoes, and especially in my pastries. All pastries are not created equal. The ones with butter are better. […]

PineappleCoconut Paleo Bars
Edibles Jan 22, 2016
It’s January 2016 & resolutions are flying around left & right. Some of you are trying new workouts or hobbies or trying to quit a bad habit & pick up a new better habit. A bunch of my girlfriends are resetting their diets with a month long challenge of the Whole30 diet. They’re doing so […]

Raw Bar
Edibles Dec 11, 2015
Growing up by the beach meant endless summers, forever tan lines, & lots of seafood for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. As a rule I tend to avoid eating seafood when I’m far from the sea but when quality places open up in the neighborhood, who can say no to a night of oysters, lobster, & […]

Fig bites
Edibles Oct 24, 2015
When I was little my mom loved Fig Newtons. You know, those grainy little cookies with fig filling? I couldn’t stand them. I still don’t eat them but I have developed a taste for figs, especially fresh figs. Sometimes I slice them up and gobble them down with Greek yogurt, granola, and a drizzle of […]