Salted Caramel Fudge Cups
Edibles Feb 14, 2020
It’s that day again where everything is pink and red and chocolates and roses. A lot of people complain about Valentine’s Day. Personally I don’t mind any reason to eat chocolate and have a vase full of flowers (whether from myself or someone I love). In the past I’ve made a super healthy chocolate raspberry […]

Breakfast Ice Cream
Edibles Feb 1, 2020
Wanna know a dirty little secret? Sometimes I eat ice cream for breakfast. Yup. That’s right. Ice cream. Creamy, sweet, beautiful ice cream. It started in high school when my parents were traveling a lot and I was left unattended. It was innocent enough at first. Like a small act of rebellion. A dirty sticky […]

Honey Almond Granola
Edibles Mar 2, 2018
I’ve had the strangest craving for granola lately and even though you can find it pretty much any where now, why miss the opportunity to fill your house with that sweet toasted honey scent? Plus it only takes like 15 minutes to whip up this batch of honey almond granola. Honestly it lasted about 15 […]

Raw Bar
Edibles Dec 11, 2015
Growing up by the beach meant endless summers, forever tan lines, & lots of seafood for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. As a rule I tend to avoid eating seafood when I’m far from the sea but when quality places open up in the neighborhood, who can say no to a night of oysters, lobster, & […]

Mango Coconut Creme Tart
Edibles Jul 17, 2014
So I decided to make a summer mango pie and then I sat around one afternoon thinking about how to make this summer mango pie and then realized…I’ve never made a mango pie before, in fact I’ve never even seen nor heard of mango pie before which is pretty absurd now that I think about […]