Wardrobe Trend Fashion Feature
Style Dec 11, 2014
Yours truly is the featured “Who’s That Hottie” for month of December 2014 on WardrobeTrendFashion.com! We threw together a quick shoot with fave photog @KitB, @wallaya_noo (make up), @jareji (hair), I did the styling to accompany a little interview especially crafted for the wonderful followers over at WTF. You can check it all out on […]

Adventures Sep 20, 2014
I have to admit, Cosmopolitan Magazine is one of the first “grownup” magazine I ever bought- back when I was still a devoted Seventeen, TeenBeats, Dolly reader…. And now I’ve got my own little section in the latest issue of Cosmopolitan Magazine Thailand (: Thank you for a wonderful interview! If you’re around, pick up […]

Modern Citizen
Style Aug 19, 2013
One of my favorite sites recently had a little facelift and transformed itself from STYLE / STALK to Modern Citizen. If you haven’t already explored all the amazingness that they have to offer, you should head on over there now to catch my latest feature on their IT Girl Confidential page or just click here.