Nutella Mug Cake
Edibles Feb 6, 2016
Guys. I’m slipping. Seriously. I lived my life all day today like it was any other ordinary day. Nothing special, just lived my life when all the while it’s been World Nutella Day all day! WHAT THE HECK?! I apologize for letting you all down. To make up for it, I immediately came home and […]

Vanilla Jasmine Shortbread Cookies
Edibles Jan 31, 2016
HomieLoverFriends. I know butter is suppose to be bad for you. I know. I get it. But I’m not going to lie to you. I love it. I love it on bread, in my pasta, on my potatoes, and especially in my pastries. All pastries are not created equal. The ones with butter are better. […]

Coffee Cake Cookies
Edibles Oct 16, 2015
The coffee cake cookies you never thought were possible… they’re everything you need and more.

A Few Favorite Au Naturale DIY Recipes
Style Mar 22, 2014
So I recently revealed a few of my favorite natural beauty products that can be found in your kitchen; Today I’m sharing a few of my favorite things to do with them (: Let me know how well they work for you or if you have some of your own recipes you’d like to share! […]

au naturale
Style Mar 10, 2014
I don’t know if it’s the beach girl in me or the fact that my dad raised me like the son he wishes he had, but as a girl I’ve always had a hard time being the kind of girl who puts in a ton of effort to look flawless. I don’t seem to embrace […]