READ MORE (a simple how to)
Inspiration Jan 31, 2015
So apparently people thing I’m crazy for taking on my 2015 reading challenge of 52 books in 2015. I’d like to point your attention towards former American president Theodore Roosevelt who read at least a book a week (WHILE BEING PRESIDENT) if not several books A DAY. I mean okay granted good ol Teddy was […]

2015 Reading Challenge
Inspiration Jan 23, 2015
Have I mentioned how much I love books? I’ve got a heavy fascination with paper and print but I’ve grown to love my kindle and iPad too. Any portal into another world where I can hide and adventure and dream for a while in someone else’s skin… Which brings me to the 2015 Reading Challenge […]
The Fault in Our Stars
Inspiration Jun 25, 2014
With the movie hitting theaters I’m sure everyone and their mother has been falling in love with John Green and his intelligently sensitive characters in “The Fault in Our Stars.” I haven’t seen the movie yet but The International Bad Bitches Book Club (myself & a few amazing women who travel, live internationally, & love […]