Taylor O.
Inspiration Sep 20, 2013
My fascination with Men’s Fashion runs deep. I think it’s partially the amazement at how little they have to work with and partially how much I wish I could wear their clothes, roll out of bed all rock’n’roll like, and still make people swoon. But Men’s Fashion is so much more than jeans and tees […]

Once in a blue moon.
Inspiration Aug 21, 2013
If you happen to have the chance, and i hope that you do, try taking a moment to stand outside tonight and look for the moon. She will be big and full and although she won’t actually be blue, she will in fact be a blue moon. Blue moon is defined in two ways: 1) […]

cold front.
Inspiration Aug 16, 2013
This is one of the most beautiful and creative dance videos i’ve ever seen. And i watch a lot of dance videos. The dance community never fails to inspire and surprise me. What are some of your favorite dance videos?

A is for Awesome
Inspiration Jul 27, 2013
As a child when the world got me down, which wasn’t often and rarely fully understood, I would lay down on the floor of my bedroom with my journal and my favorite pen and begin to list out all the things that make me happy. The big things and the little- my parents, spaghetti, a […]