Bailee Nakaahiki does it ALL
Inspiration May 15, 2014
Being the daughter of a woman who does it all, I have a deep profound respect for other women who seemingly do it all too. Bailee Nakahiki is a mother, wife, make up artist, and entrepreneur among many other things- and she holds each title so gracefully. Never seeming overwhelmed or stressed, Bailee always gives […]

California Dreaming
Adventures, Wanderlust Mar 18, 2014
I may have traveled the world, been to over 20 countries, and lived in a handful more than my peers, but no matter what, I know I am a California Girl at heart. I am so fortunate to call so many places home and consequentially I get homesick for so many different places… as I […]

Inspiration Nov 29, 2013
First of all, Happy Thanksgiving homieloverfriends! I hope you all enjoyed spending the holiday with your loved ones, eating plenty of good food, maybe even sharing the love and helping others to some good food. Now that you’ve spent a full day being extra thankful (AND full) I would love it if you would take […]

Truly Hemosa
Adventures Sep 4, 2013
If you haven’t already caught on, I’m a beach girl through and through. Sure I love big cities, bright lights, wide open spaces, the mountains, & the lakes, but no where feels quite like the beach. Recently I had the honor of being asked to be one of the faces for Hermosa Beach’s “Truly Hermosa” […]

Edibles Aug 26, 2013
Finding a restaurant that’s reliable for breakfast, lunch, & dinner these days is about as difficult as finding an album worth listening to from start to finish. While on my foodie adventures in LA with the SkinnyFatKid, i’ve secretly been looking for places worth dining at regardless of the time of day. Goldie’s passes the […]