It’s a Wonderful Life
Adventures Dec 24, 2014
Christmas. Wrapping paper, pretty little things in bows, pine needles, the smell of fresh baked anything, giving gifts, the warmth of a fire, family all around, mulled wine, twinkly lights, spiced eggnog, the crisp air…. and movies that keep you home all day. That’s what Christmas has always been about for me. We Rogers don’t […]

Fall Must See Movie List
Adventures Nov 21, 2014
There are so many amazing movies coming out this fall that I can’t wait to see. You better believe I’m making time in my schedule to grab a bucket of popcorn and get cozy at the Pavalai theater in Bangkok (pictured above). If you haven’t seen them yet, these are a few you have to […]

Happy Halloween!
Adventures Oct 31, 2014
I have to admit, Halloween has moved down my list of “Favorite Holidays” over the years… As a child I LOVED Halloween- what’s not to love? You get to play dress up, people give you free candy, and school is practically nonexistent the day of. As you get older though it’s somehow turned into a […]

Summer Must See Movies
Adventures Jul 13, 2014
I love watching movies. Seriously I think I love watching movies as much as I love reading books and that’s a lot. I love going to the movies, the popcorn, the previews, the collective energy & reactions from the audience… I love watching movies at home curled up on the couch with friends and some […]