2016 Reading Challenge
Inspiration Jan 18, 2016
I’ve been a bookworm for as long as I can remember – I asked my parents, teachers, & family, to read to me relentlessly until I was able to read on my own. Once I was able to get through a book on my own, nothing in print was safe around me. I packed 2-3 […]

Inspiration, Style May 18, 2015
Has it been a week already?! Where is the time going in such a hurry? It’s been another busy week here in Starlingville…. Bangkok has been beyond amazing and after a few days of play and a few days of work, i bucked into a full week of work and a weekend of play- see […]

2015 Reading Challenge
Inspiration Jan 23, 2015
Have I mentioned how much I love books? I’ve got a heavy fascination with paper and print but I’ve grown to love my kindle and iPad too. Any portal into another world where I can hide and adventure and dream for a while in someone else’s skin… Which brings me to the 2015 Reading Challenge […]