Irish potatoes
Edibles Mar 18, 2016
Did you know I’m part Irish? Yup. I know totally obvious right? Right. Needless to say, St. Patty’s day is a pretty big deal for my family (the non Asian side obvi) and we’ve been going all out since I was little- not to brag, but I’ve been in my fair share of St. Patrick’s […]

Irish Potatoes
Edibles Mar 18, 2015
Ok so I know they don’t sound all that exciting but trust me you’re going to thank me later when you’re chomping down on these little nuggets so fast you finally realize what St Patty’s day is really about- the food. Yeah yeah green beer, whiskey, all that jazz & a pot of gold, but […]

St. Patty’s Sweet
Edibles Mar 18, 2015
I don’t know about your family but my family takes St. Patrick’s Day very seriously. We wear green, shamrocks everywhere, we cook corned beef, cabbage, & potatoes, drink a lot of whiskey & beer, and we listen to actual Irish jigs. At every family event whether we’re celebrating a holiday or simply getting together for […]