Summer Must See Movies
Adventures Jul 13, 2014
I love watching movies. Seriously I think I love watching movies as much as I love reading books and that’s a lot. I love going to the movies, the popcorn, the previews, the collective energy & reactions from the audience… I love watching movies at home curled up on the couch with friends and some […]

Summer Reading List
Inspiration Jul 10, 2014
I may have been the only kid in school who was stoked to get the summer reading list. I couldn’t wait to see what books I had to pick up and read before moving on to the books I would inevitably read for fun. Yeah, I was that girl. Bookworm to the very core, I […]

Summer To Do List
Adventures Jul 8, 2014
I am the LIST QUEEN. Seriously. And I recently discovered it runs in my family- Mama Starling & my beautiful cousin Ashley are also list indulgers. I don’t know how long they’ve been addicted but I’ve been making lists since I was little. And I mean little… like elementary school little. I don’t remember where […]
Summertime Essentials
Style Jun 16, 2014
Summer is hands down my favorite time of year. I’m not built for the cold. I’m made for tan lines (or the lack there of (; ha), for salty long hair, sandy toes, smiles as wide as the sea, & an endless appreciation for the warmth of sunshine on my skin like a long lost […]