A Busy Day Out (remember those?)
Adventures, Style Jun 30, 2021
With Covid pushing Bangkok back towards another lockdown, it’s not often I get a busy day out and about but this past week I had one of those perfectly balanced days of work and play. We started the morning off with a cozy snuggle with Mila and one of her (& mine!) favorite books- “The […]
Inspiration May 27, 2015
The official trailer for LOVE SUCKS if finally out and I’m so excited to share it with you all…. this movie was a collective effort of blood sweat tears (& vomit for a few of us) and I can’t wait to see the final edit in theaters June 25th here in Thailand. We’ll also be […]

Wardrobe Trend Fashion Feature
Style Dec 11, 2014
Yours truly is the featured “Who’s That Hottie” for month of December 2014 on WardrobeTrendFashion.com! We threw together a quick shoot with fave photog @KitB, @wallaya_noo (make up), @jareji (hair), I did the styling to accompany a little interview especially crafted for the wonderful followers over at WTF. You can check it all out on […]

Adventures Sep 20, 2014
I have to admit, Cosmopolitan Magazine is one of the first “grownup” magazine I ever bought- back when I was still a devoted Seventeen, TeenBeats, Dolly reader…. And now I’ve got my own little section in the latest issue of Cosmopolitan Magazine Thailand (: Thank you for a wonderful interview! If you’re around, pick up […]