Stay Home, Stay Busy, Stay Sane
Inspiration Mar 30, 2020
How’s everyone doing? I hope you’re all staying home, safe & healthy. I’m sure a few of you are probably going through all kinds of emotions right now- the ups and downs of frustrations and boredom and fear about the current state of the world. I’m right there with you. In times like these it’s […]

The Only Constant Is Change.
Inspiration Aug 30, 2014
They say change is inevitable. Seasons change, economies change, songs change, minds change, people change. Some people seem terrified by change but I say, THANK HEAVENS. I can not imagine getting to where I want to be if I were still the girl I was 10 years ago… or even a year ago for that […]
A is for Awesome
Inspiration Jul 27, 2013
As a child when the world got me down, which wasn’t often and rarely fully understood, I would lay down on the floor of my bedroom with my journal and my favorite pen and begin to list out all the things that make me happy. The big things and the little- my parents, spaghetti, a […]