A Busy Day Out (remember those?)
Adventures, Style Jun 30, 2021
With Covid pushing Bangkok back towards another lockdown, it’s not often I get a busy day out and about but this past week I had one of those perfectly balanced days of work and play. We started the morning off with a cozy snuggle with Mila and one of her (& mine!) favorite books- “The […]
Spread Kindness, Not Germs
Inspiration Apr 9, 2020
I’ve been home for over 3 weeks now. We walk the dogs twice a day, go to the supermarket every week and a half, and order in almost everything you can think of. I’ve been baking and cooking A LOT. I’ve signed up for 4 courses online and spend at least an hour a day […]

Stay Home, Stay Busy, Stay Sane
Inspiration Mar 30, 2020
How’s everyone doing? I hope you’re all staying home, safe & healthy. I’m sure a few of you are probably going through all kinds of emotions right now- the ups and downs of frustrations and boredom and fear about the current state of the world. I’m right there with you. In times like these it’s […]

Salted Caramel Fudge Cups
Edibles Feb 14, 2020
It’s that day again where everything is pink and red and chocolates and roses. A lot of people complain about Valentine’s Day. Personally I don’t mind any reason to eat chocolate and have a vase full of flowers (whether from myself or someone I love). In the past I’ve made a super healthy chocolate raspberry […]

Choco-strawberry Bliss Balls
Edibles Feb 14, 2020
So by now it should be no surprise to you all that my house is perpetually full of treats. Actually not just treats but full on junk food too. In my defense I was raised on EVERYTHING so to justify my endless baking (& the chips I hide in the cupboards) I also keep the […]

Breakfast Ice Cream
Edibles Feb 1, 2020
Wanna know a dirty little secret? Sometimes I eat ice cream for breakfast. Yup. That’s right. Ice cream. Creamy, sweet, beautiful ice cream. It started in high school when my parents were traveling a lot and I was left unattended. It was innocent enough at first. Like a small act of rebellion. A dirty sticky […]

Milo Timtam Fudge
Edibles Jan 26, 2020
It feels wrong almost to be celebrating Australia Day while the country is in so much pain. With raging fires across the brush since October- 32 confirmed dead, many still missing, at least a billion animals killed, nearly 8 million hectares of land burned- and then there’s everything else: the toxic air from the fires, […]

Baked Camembert Snowflake
Edibles Jan 22, 2020
It’s National Cheese Lover’s Day which is basically like my personal Valentine’s Day because I love cheese just about as much as I love chocolate (which is a lot). Honestly I could eat cheese in some form every single meal and be happy. Just think, cream cheese & jelly stuffed French toast for breakfast- or […]

Chocolate PeanutButter No Bake Bars
Edibles Apr 21, 2018
It has been so damn hot in Bangkok. Like “I don’t wanna put clothes on or go anywhere” hot. But I’ve also really been craving peanut butter chocolate dessert… and I’ve maxed out ordering my favorite peanut butter ice cream through my local food delivery service so I decided to do something about this craving […]
Honey Almond Granola
Edibles Mar 2, 2018
I’ve had the strangest craving for granola lately and even though you can find it pretty much any where now, why miss the opportunity to fill your house with that sweet toasted honey scent? Plus it only takes like 15 minutes to whip up this batch of honey almond granola. Honestly it lasted about 15 […]

French Strawberry Cake
Uncategorized Feb 27, 2018
In case you didn’t know, today is National Strawberry Day in America (ok who comes up with these things??) which really for me is just an excuse to bake something new and yummy. It was perfect really because all the strawberries I bought in ChiangMai recently all ripened at once so my fridge is […]

Valentine’s Day Love You Long Time Bars
Uncategorized Feb 14, 2018
One of my favorite things about Valentine’s Day is the chocolate. Because let’s be honest, chocolate has been there for me through it all- the break ups, the make ups, the good times (when i was given chocolate), the bad times (when i bought chocolate for myself)… so this post is breaking my heart […]

Uncategorized Sep 8, 2017
It’s that time of year again… my favorite! Okay well my favorite after Christmas… and summer… and the week after Halloween or Valentines day when all the candy goes on sale… okay okay so after all that, VIRGO SEASON is my favorite. It’s birthday month and not only do I get to celebrate my life […]

2016 Reading Challenge
Inspiration Jan 18, 2016
I’ve been a bookworm for as long as I can remember – I asked my parents, teachers, & family, to read to me relentlessly until I was able to read on my own. Once I was able to get through a book on my own, nothing in print was safe around me. I packed 2-3 […]

Jak Vox Casino wypada na tle innych polskich kasyn online
Uncategorized Nov 8, 2024
Jak Vox Casino wypada na tle innych polskich kasyn online W dynamicznie rozwijającym się świecie hazardu online wybór odpowiedniego kasyna to klucz do udanej i bezpiecznej rozgrywki. Dla graczy w Polsce bardzo ważne są takie aspekty jak szybkość wypłat, przejrzystość regulaminu, jakość obsługi oraz innowacyjność oferty. W tym artykule przyjrzymy się, jak Vox Casino wypada […]